What the majority of humankind thinks is right and wrong isn’t always ethically right. Society can impose certain beliefs on you to the point where they’re almost accepted as normal behavior. At some point in our careers we will face a decision against our moral code and everything will seem blurred.

The fundamental character of a person is formed when they are young and influenced by their guardian or religion. Unfortunately, some people don’t grow up in the best situations and have to learn right and wrong on their own through trial and error. However, I think no matter how you were raised your moral compass will not point due north until you’ve faced a challenging decision and you overcome. It will take years to build your character, but only a moment is enough to ruin it.

Teaching ethics in a university setting when our minds are still young and developing is essential. It keeps the topic active in your conscience when you spring into the business world. Right out of college we’re not going to land a job at top agency’s or corporations (well, just being realistic haha.) This is where we rely on our instructions and mentors to be ethical and pass the chain of goodness along.  As a young professional you will have to work our way through companies who might not have such high standards of truthfulness. As long as we are continually influenced by the right companionship our decisions will stay in the right direction.